Consular fees


Acts charged for by a state duty

Duty amount

16.1 .For passport and visa issuing:


16.1.2 For execution of documents needed to obtain the regular passport in the embassies or consulates

25 USD

16.1.3. For issuing laisser-passer

10 USD

16.1.4. For sending orders to the embassies and consulates to grant a visa

4 manat

16.1.5. Transit and ordinary single entry visa

20 USD

16.1.7.Multiple entry visa

 350 USD

16.2. For issuance of documents related to citizenship issues


16.2.1. Registration of application for resumption of citizenship

60 USD

16.2.2 Registration of application for renunciation of citizenship

60 USD

16.3Consular acts linked with Registration of State Civil Acts (RSCA) matters, as well as the issuance of certificates:


16.3.1 For registration of marriage

10 USD

16.3.2. For registration of divorce on the basis of mutual consent of spouses who doesn’t common minor children

40 USD

16.3.3. For registration of divorce with a person who is reported missing or is considered incapable in accordance with the procedure established by law


16.3.3-1. For registration of the divorce based on the court decision (issuance of the certificate when the registration is based on the extract from the court decision received from the “Electronic court” information system) (if decision does not indicate which of the parties should pay the state fee, then the party who applied first)


16.3.4. For registration of documents linked with changing of a first name, last name, middle name (issuance of the certificate when the registration is based on the extract from the court decision received from the “Electronic court” information system)

20 USD

16.3.5. For issuing repeat certificates on registration of state civil acts

10 USD

16.3.6. For making changes, amendments and additions to the records of civil status acts and issuing certificates in connection with their restoration

10 USD

16.3.7. For the issuance of a certificate of marital status for the purpose of registration of marriage in the registration authorities of foreign countries

10 USD

16.4Obtaining documents based upon enquiry:


16.4.1. For obtaining documents based upon enquiry (for each document): In the Azerbaijan Republic

4 Manat Outside of the country

10 USD

16.5. Legalization of documents:


16.5.1. In the Azerbaijan Republic

4 Manat

16.5.2. Outside of the country

10 USD

16.6. For notary operations:


16.6.1. For notary approval of POAs giving right to execute credit operations, to make arrangements on and use property as well as automobiles excluding the immovable property in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

20 USD

16.6.2. For approval of POAs on obtaining of financial aids, packages, correspondence received by post from different persons and offices from banks and making arrangements on them

20 USD

16.6.3. Notary approval of contracts: For approval of agreements on alienation of vehicles

50 USD For confirmation of other valued contracts

150 USD for approval of property division, surety and other unvalued contracts

30 USD

16.6.4. For approval of the authenticity of copies of documents and extracts from documents

10 USD

16.6.5. For notary confirmation of document translation as well as the authenticity of its translation (for each page):


-          from foreign languages

10 USD

-          to foreign languages

20 USD

16.6.6 For notary approval of the authenticity of signatures in documents, as well as signature of translator (for each document)

20 USD

16.6.7 For taking measures to protect inherited property

40 USD

16.6.8. For notary approval of a testament

50 USD

16.6.9. For safekeeping of a testament

30 USD

16.6.10. For issuing hereditary rights certificate by the consular officer

100 USD

16.6.11. For safekeeping of documents (except a testament)

20 USD

16.6.12. For acceptance of execution subject of commitment for safekeeping (for each month)

20 USD

16.6.13. For safekeeping of money and securities (for each month)

20 USD

16.6.14. For keeping of fulfillment records

10 USD

16.6.15. For the issuance of certificates of ownership of a share in the common property of the spouses

10 USD

16.6.16. For confirmation of the facts that the person is alive and the person is in a certain place, the identity of the person in the photo and the time of submission of documents

10 USD

16.6.17. For the issuance of maritime protests

10 USD

16.6.18. For the provision of evidence

10 USD

16.7. For other consular acts

10 USD


Article 17. Exemptions from the payment of the state fee and features of the payment of the state fee for consular operations conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan or diplomatic missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in foreign countries

17.1. The state fee stipulated in Article 16 of this Law is not charged in the following cases:

17.1.1. For the issuance or replacement of service and diplomatic passports;

17.1.2. For providing documents by the request of competent authorities and citizens of foreign countries which have signed agreements with the Republic of Azerbaijan on legal assistance in civil, family and criminal cases, on alimony, on pensions and on adoption issues;

17.1.3. When the passports and other travel documents of persons sent to foreign countries as part of the state delegation are issued;

17.1.4. For the approval of contracts and wills on the donation of property for the benefit of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

17.1.5. For the protection of the property left after the death of crew members of ships, air and other means of transport, as well as citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

17.2. The state duties provided for in Article 16 of this Law are not collected from the following foreigners arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan:

17.2.1. Members of the state delegation and officials;

17.2.2. Representatives of international humanitarian organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

17.2.3. Persons getting education and engaged in pedagogical activities through the state support;

17.2.4. From those traveling through the defensive line.

17.3. A state fee is charged for visa issuance for each of the foreigners who come to the Republic of Azerbaijan in a group.

17.4. In addition to the state fee specified in Article 16.6 of this Law, heirs and legatees pay for the protection of real estate, room rent, security, transportation, travel, postage, stationery and other actual costs.

17.5. During the storage and reception of documents, the state fee is paid in advance for the expected storage period, and the incomplete month is considered as a completed month.

17.6. The state fee received for consular operations carried out in the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in foreign countries is transferred to the state budget within a month.

17.6-1. If the amount of the fee charged by the relevant authorities of foreign countries for issuing multiple-entry visas for citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan differs from the amount determined by this Law for the same actions, the level of the state fee may be determined at the level of the fee charged for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan in those countries by the decision of the relevant executive authority.

17.7. Those who have diplomatic or service passports, study in foreign countries (upon presentation of the appropriate confirmation document), are engaged in pedagogical activities with thw support of the state, have been released from penal institutions of foreign countries, have been deported, readmitted, extradited from foreign countries, have been victims of human trafficking, or citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who are under age of 18 are not charged a state fee for issuing a re-entry certificate that replaces a passport to return to the country. In addition to the cases specified in the first sentence of this article, if a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who has lost his passport or whose passport has been stolen in a foreign country and presents a confirmation document issued by the relevant police body of a foreign country is not charged with the state fee for issuing a re-entry certificate.


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